No matter whether you live in Texas or another part of the country, recovering from an accident is much less stressful when you have insurance than when you don’t. Depending on where you live, your state’s minimum requirements will dictate what types of coverage you need as a driver. Nearly every state requires you to have liability insurance, while some also require you to have personal injury protection or uninsured driver coverage. When you have insurance, you can simply hand the matter over to your insurance agent while you recover. Your insurance agent will deal with the other party’s insurance company, help you file the paperwork for any medical expenses or auto repairs, and even help claim salary losses due to injury. Not only does having good coverage pay off because you don’t have to worry about paying exorbitant medical bills and damages, but the fact that an experienced agent is there to guide you through the maze of paperwork can significantly reduce your stress when you’re already injured.
In contrast, if you don’t have insurance, you may be lying in the hospital wondering how on earth you’re going to pay for your medical treatments. And if you’re at fault, you’ll have to pay for the medical costs of anybody else involved in the accident, as well as any damages their car occurred in the collision.