Occasionally, it may be necessary to exclude someone from your insurance policy. The reasons you may do this are numerous. The main reason you would do this is if you have a family member who has had a large number of crashes, or for whatever reason has a difficult time getting affordable car insurance. Simply by having them able to drive on your policy, you could find that your rates rise, making insurance a burden. Additionally, your insurance company may not want to allow you to have a driver who has a record of DUI’s or at-fault crashes on your policy.
Whatever the reason you have for excluding someone from your policy, it’s important to know the details behind it. When you go about this process, you will likely want to talk to your agent directly, instead of working with an automated system. For instance, if you lived in Coppell, Texas, you may want to go to your agency in town, instead of calling a toll-free number. The insurance process is complex at times and dealing with a real person will make this much easier.
Your agent will likely explain more about how excluding someone works. Basically, you will be providing this person’s name and information and then even if they are driving your car that is insured, it will be as if they were driving without insurance. Because of this, it is important to talk this over with the excluded individual and make sure they understand they are not covered any longer.
It’s unfortunate when it becomes necessary to exclude someone from your policy, but at times it can save you hundreds of dollars or may be the only way that you qualify for insurance at all. If you have further questions about the process, don’t hesitate to ask your local agent in Coppell, or even compare rates with other companies. You may be able to avoid the exclusion process if you find a more compatible insurance program.