The insurance facts are as follows, if you reside in Coppell, Texas and have automobile insurance coverage. It is important to know that it is the same in Coppell, Texas as any other city in Texas one may reside. Every state does carry a minimum automobile coverage insurance policy and is state specific, but also keep in mind that if one does not carry at least the minimum insurance policy for their car in any state and the vehicle is on the road, there could be very stiff fines and or jail time.
Some states have made it mandatory for the insurance company to report any client coming to them for auto insurance to the states DMV department. The insurance company is required to tell the DMV that the driver has had their car on the road without automobile insurance.
If you have 25/50/25 minimum insurance coverage for your automobile and you are driving within another state and are involved in an automobile accident and that state’s minimum coverage is 30/60/30 then your insurance company will increase your insurance minimums to meet that state’s minimum requirements.
You must also be aware if the state you are driving in is a no fault state. There are essentially two types of insurance policies liability to purchase, full tort or limited tort. For limited tort policies one will pay less in premiums but this will bar you from any lawsuits. In a full tort policy it will enable one to sue the other driver no matter what their policy pays and the amount of damages.