You have homeowner’s coverage in Coppell, Texas and the only way your company can legally cancel your coverage is if, you fail to make your scheduled monthly payments or when you filled out your application, you committed fraud. We can help you. Contact us to speak with an independent agent and we will sort out all of your details.
However, you or your company can chose not to renew your homeowner’s coverage at the end of the policy period. Your company must give you notice and a reason why they are not going to renew your homeowner’s policy. You will need to contact your independent agent for details. When a company makes this decision, you can pursue this decision through your department of insurance in Texas. This non-renewal coverage on your home insurance can be something you did, such as turning in too many claims or possibly the area you live in had too many claims.
If you submit too many claims on your homeowner’s coverage, you stand a good chance of getting a black mark against your name and you could receive a non-renewal of your policy. It is not illegal if your insurance company decides not to renew your coverage.
You as a homeowner can run into any number of problems when your company did not renew your homeowner’s coverage. You do have the options of speaking with your agent, and your neighbors as to what company insures their home. You can call the Texas Department of Insurance for help in getting coverage through another company.
Many companies keep a permanent record on how you handled your coverage. When you mishandle your coverage a few times, it can put you on a watch list. This information is available to all companies.
When you file a homeowner’s claim, all the claim information is stored in a shared database, and the information sits as a history on your account. It is important that you give your independent agent in Coppell, Texas a call so that we can give you specific details for your circumstances.