Many factors affect your insurance rate, as car insurance companies look at multiple points of data to see how statistically likely it is for your car to be involved in an accident. In addition, some cars are more likely to be stolen than others, driving up their rates.
Sports cars have a big impact on your car insurance rates, especially if you’re under 25. These cars have access to higher horsepower and speeds, so if an accident occurs it may be much more damaging than it would be in a lower powered car.
If you have the misfortune of owning a car model that is known for being stolen often, you receive a rate hike. You would be surprised at the most stolen types of cars. They aren’t the biggest, flashiest vehicles. Standard, mid-range sedans are more likely to get stolen in this circumstance. With that said, the more expensive your car, the more likely it is for your insurance to be higher since your claims are more expensive as well.
Your car’s crash rating has an impact on car insurance rates. If you have a new car that excels in safety, it’s cheaper to insure since the damage in an accident is lower. In addition, cars such as minivans don’t take as much damage in an accident due to their larger size and construction, as well as the fact that they are generally driven as daily drivers at lower speeds.
Keep these insurance factors in mind the next time you purchase a vehicle. The base price might be good, but the overall cost of ownership may be too high with the insurance added in.