There are a lot of perils out there to consider when buying automobile insurance in Texas. Of course there are traffic accidents, and that is usually the major concern, but there are also storms that can do damage to your automobile. Other things, like boats, RV’s and other motorized vehicles can also be damaged by storms.
In Texas, storm damage to your vehicle is usually covered under your automotive comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive is "everything else" type coverage and comes in when your car is damaged by something other than driving it. If you only have liability coverage you may not be covered. This would also be true for something like a boat that might get damaged by a falling tree while parked in your yard.
It does not matter whether the tree came from your yard or a neighbors yard, though you might be able to make a clam in their property if it came from their yard.
In coastal areas of Texas there is also a deductible for hurricane damages. In this case it must be an actual hurricane, as oppose to a watch or warning in place. Hail and high wind also carry special deductibles.
Call or visit the Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, Texas, to get auto insurance that will keep you covered when storms wreak havoc on your neighborhood. Each customer has a slightly different situation, so we can adjust it to fit your needs. Existing customers may also stop by to get their policy updated to make sure you have proper coverage. Boats or RV type vehicles should also have comprehensive coverage to make sure you will be covered if there is damage to that property as the result of a storm.