Being convicted of a drinking and driving charge can have a huge impact on your life. You will have a criminal record, you may lose your ability to drive for some time, you will likely have to pay huge fines, you may have to spend time in jail or doing community service, and once you are able to drive again, you may find that your auto insurance company will not reinsure you. Here is some information you need to know about getting insurance after you have been convicted of a DUI.
Find a Company That Offers SR-22 Auto Insurance
If you have been convicted of a DUI, your driver’s license will likely be suspended. Once the suspension is up, you will have to obtain SR-22 auto insurance in order to reinstate your license and drive again. However, not every insurance agency offers this type of insurance. If you need to obtain it, you will need to call various insurance agencies to figure out which ones in Coppell, TX offer SR-22 auto insurance.
Expect to Pay More
SR-22 auto insurance will cost you significantly more than standard auto insurance. This is because you are now considered a huge liability to an insurance company due to your inability to follow laws behind the wheel. Once you find a company that offers this type of insurance, expect to pay more for anywhere from five to ten years from the date of your conviction. Many companies will slowly lower your rates, but the DUI will show up on your driving record for 10 years, so your insurance may be higher for this length of time.
If you have gotten a DUI, you can expect to pay much more for your auto insurance policy. However, this does not mean that you still can’t shop around for the best possible price. If you are looking for a quote, Contact The Select Insurance Agency, serving the greater Coppell, TX area. We can help determine what your auto insurance needs are and then put together a policy for you at a competitive rate. Contact us now to get started.