In Texas you have to have basic insurance on your RV, just like you do for your automobile. This is particularly the case if it is a motorized RV. It must also be insured even when not in use if it is parked on your property. You also must have insurance for trailers that are towed by another vehicle you own. There are various classes of RV trailers, and the smaller ones may not require insurance, but most do.
Getting RV insurance is just like getting insurance on your automobile. The The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX can help you find the policy you need for your RV. Your car insurance will cover your liability if you are in an accident while towing the trailer. Of course, some RV’s have their own engines and are rolling homes. The liability aspect is covered under your automotive policy in this case.
A collision policy is the least expensive. This only covers major damage to your RV. It is the cheapest form of RV insurance and does not have any extras available. This will meet minimum requirements.
Comprehensive will cost more, but you get a lot more coverage. This will cover anything you want to file a claim for if it is damaged. You may also get different levels of coverage at different prices. You may choose a policy with a deductible, or no deductible. You can add things like roadside assistance.
When getting RV coverage, a lot depends on the RV and whether it is a motorized unit or a trailer.
Visit The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX and let them help you determine the type of coverage you need for your RV. Getting the right coverage can make a tremendous difference when you need it most.