Umbrella insurance is mainly there to help you cover liability concerns in Coppell, TX. That is, you’re not going to be calling your umbrella insurance provider to cover your own damages in the event of an injury or a house fire, that will most likely be covered by your other policies, medical, home, auto, etc. Umbrella insurance is primarily there to provide protection in the event that other people’s injuries or damages exceed the limits of your other policies.
That is, umbrella insurance isn’t quite a safety net to catch everything, but a safety net to catch the most expensive costs involved with insurance.
Your home is going to be insured for what it’s worth, plus rebuilding costs if you have that covered. Your own injuries are unlikely to exceed a certain amount. But when it comes to other people’s damages and losses, that’s something that is very difficult to plan for. If you are found at fault in an incident costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, that’s when umbrella insurance kicks in.
In other words, umbrella insurance is there for when your primary policies run out due to large liability claims. It’s unlikely that you’re going to exceed your limits when making a claim on your own damages, but when other people’s person and property are involved, there’s no telling what it might cost.
Exclusions on your umbrella policy may vary from provider to provider, so you’ll want to read the fine print, check your policy, and call your insurer with any questions you have.
If you’re shopping around for umbrella insurance in Coppell, TX, get in touch with The Select Insurance Agency. The Select Insurance Agency will be able to connect you with the protection that you need for peace of mind.