You know you need to have auto insurance, but how much do you really know about what you’re buying? Most people are surprised to learn what comprehensive coverage is and why having it is so important. Our team at The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX has put together this brief guide to help you out.
What Does Comprehensive Typically Cover?
Comprehensive coverage is considered a first-party coverage. This means that it pays to fix repairs on your vehicle in the event of a fire, storm, or animal incident. Most policies also have provisions for theft and vandalism, too. A comprehensive claim is not considered at fault, but you would still be subject to your deductible at the time the repairs are made.
Here’s an example of a comprehensive claim. Let’s pretend you’re driving in your car and you come upon a deer in the road. There’s no place to go and swerving to miss it is too dangerous, so you hit the animal and cause extensive damage to your vehicle. If you have comprehensive on your policy, the damages would be handled by your auto insurance.
Is Comprehensive Coverage Required?
This is a big question that a lot of people have. No, comprehensive coverage is not required by law. However, if you have a lien on your vehicle and are still making payments to a lender, they can require you to have the coverage. The reason why they do this is that they want to protect their interest in your car. If they were to ever repossess your vehicle, they want to know that they can use your coverage to fix any issues associated with a covered claim.
Are you looking for quality auto insurance in Coppell, TX? Please get in touch with our team at The Select Insurance Agency to schedule an appointment.