When it comes time for your child to go off to college, you may be thinking that you can send them off without a vehicle and take them off the insurance policy. Alternatively, you may think it is time that they got their own insurance policy. There are many questions that can crop up at this time of your child’s life, and it is important that you get the answers to your questions. So, the team at The Select Insurance Agency has come up with a couple of the most common questions and answers for Coppell, TX residents.
Should Your College Student Get Their Own Auto Insurance Policy?
The answer to this question ideally depends on where your child will be living. So, if your address is going to be used as your college student’s permanent address, then you will likely be able to keep the vehicle they’re using on your auto insurance policy.
However, if they intend to live on campus or in a nearby apartment for the duration of the school year, they may need their own policy.
Can You Keep Auto Insurance on a Vehicle If It’s in Another State?
If your child is going to be attending college in another state, you may still be able to keep the vehicle on your insurance policy. This is particularly true if the vehicle is in your name. However, if the vehicle is in your child’s name, this may be a different story.
To determine the best move in terms of auto insurance for your college student, contact us today. Serving the Coppell, TX area, The Select Insurance Agency can discuss your individual situation with you to determine exactly what steps need to be taken to ensure that your college student is properly ensured before going off to school.