Having plenty of liability insurance is an important part of your financial protection. Without it, you could pay massive amounts you’re liable for. One way to get more liability coverage is to get umbrella insurance. This is a great way to add to some insurance policies that you already have so that you’re covered better. Call us at The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX if you’re considering getting an umbrella insurance policy.
Boosting Other Insurance Policies
Many people have both home insurance and auto insurance. Both of these insurance types are extremely important. However, they might not cover you as well as you could. These policies often lack liability coverage, especially considering medical bills soaring. If you have both these policies, you can add liability to both at once by getting an umbrella policy. This adds an extra amount of liability coverage to both of those coverages. This makes you much better able to pay for a severe accident with many injuries.
Paying Overages
When you have home, auto, and umbrella insurance, you’re well protected against expensive accidents. If someone falls in your home or gets injured in a car wreck that you’re responsible for, your home or auto policy will pay for the medical bills and other expenses that become due. However, those policies can only pay as much as their maximum coverage. When your accident is expensive, and the bills go above that amount, you’re left with an overage to pay. That’s why you need umbrella insurance. It pays for those overages to keep you financially protected.
Get Your Umbrella Insurance
If you could benefit from an umbrella policy, call us at The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX.