Home insurance is vital to anyone who has a home. After all, life can change drastically when something goes wrong in this one aspect that many of us are lucky enough to take for granted. Many people are diligent about keeping their home protected under an insurance policy, but it is also one of the first payments to cut if things get tight. There are many reasons to make sure that your home owner’s insurance does not lapse and you stay protected. At The Select Insurance Agency we want your home in or around Coppell, TX to be fully protected at the best rates possible.
Reasons to Never Let Your Homeowner’s Insurance Lapse
First, if your insurance expires or you don’t make your premiums, you will find yourself unprotected. Since you cannot predict when something may go wrong this leave your home at unnecessary risk. Don’t be in a situation where you wish you had the same insurance the month the catastrophe happened as you did the previous month.
Second, allowing your insurance to lapse put you at risk for higher premiums and even leaves you at risk for some agencies not to cover you as you are a risk to them.
Third, if you do not keep insurance coverage your mortgage company may purchase it for you at a higher rate and you will have to pay them as part of your home payment. This rarely works out in your favor financially.
Contact us at The Select Insurance Agency if you would like more information about home insurance. We serve Coppell, TX and the surrounding areas with quality insurance services.