In Texas, it is easy to change insurance companies before your renewal. If your circumstances change or if you buy a different car, it is a perfect time to re-evaluate you insurance policy. Today, you can find an independent insurance agent who will compare quotes from all of the major providers and make sure you are getting the best deal on your insurance. It is important to look over your policy at least every six months to a year to make sure you have the coverage you need and that you are not paying too much money.
The first thing you will need to do is contact your new insurance provider. Once you have discussed all of the options and decided that you want to change companies, you will need to contact the old provider. Inform the company that you are planning to switch to a new insurance provider and cancel your current policy. Depending on how much time you have left before your renewal, you may get a refund for money you have already paid.
Before you change insurance companies, make sure you are covered by the new provider. You do not want to find yourself without insurance coverage in Texas. It only takes a few minutes to ask your independent agent to compare quotes online today.