As an employee of a company, you may be asked to drive a commercial vehicle or to run errands for the company in your vehicle. When you drive for business purposes in Coppell, Texas, your personal auto insurance may not provide protection against accidents. Fortunately, you may be covered for the accident when you are driving for the business.
Commercial Plans
Although your personal insurer may not offer coverage while you are driving a company car or when you are driving your vehicle for the business, your employer may have coverage for the car.
Any automobile that is owned by the company should be covered with a commercial plan. That means that any employee who drives the vehicle is covered by the company’s insurance rather than a personal policy. If you cannot make a claim on your policy, then ask your employer for the insurance information associated with the company plan.
Variation between Companies
An employer may have coverage available, but the amount of protection and the details of any policy may vary. In most cases, the employer will pay for the repair costs and property damage through a business policy.
Your medical bills may or may not be covered under the basic auto plan. If that is the case, then you may be able to make a claim on worker’s compensation or a similar plan rather than the auto plan to pay for your medical bills.
Your personal auto insurance is not appropriate when you are involved in an accident while driving a company car. The company is held liable for the accident, even if you were negligent. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about your auto policy.