Fender benders are typically thought of as annoying, but ultimately inconsequential accidents. However, although not as serious as other collisions, fender benders can be devastating, particularly if fraud is involved. The following suggestions will help you keep fraudsters at bay:
1. Be careful in parking lots
Parking lots are prime breeding grounds for fraudulent fender bender accidents. Whenever possible, park far away from all other vehicles. And if waved at to back out of a spot, take heed — this is when many fraudsters strike.
2. Don’t give the other party the benefit of the doubt
It’s tempting to think the best of the other person involved in the collision — but that’s exactly what fraudulent drivers want you to do. The last thing you should do if involved in a fender bender is walk away. This is especially true if the other party seems eager for you to avoid further involvement. Your suspicion should also be aroused if the driver and other vehicle occupants claim to have sustained extensive injuries that are not commensurate with the speed you were driving at the time of the accident. Although it is possible to be severely injured in low-speed collisions, your guard should still be up if the ‘victim’s’ injuries may seem excessive.
3. Take pictures
Once you’ve decided to remain on the scene, documentation is essential. Take several pictures of the damage, of the location, of the other driver, and of that person’s driver’s license. The more pictures you take, the easier it will be to protect yourself later on.
Even if you have safe driving habits and engage in other precautionary measures, it is important to seek good coverage. Get in touch with The Select Insurance Agency to find the best possible coverage for your vehicle.