When you’ve pulled into the gas station, have you ever wondered if there really is a difference between the types of fuel? Would it really harm your engine to use regular fuel when the manual calls for premium? Would it really help to use premium fuel instead of filling up with regular? Before you make your next stop at the pump, you might keep these tips in mind for choosing the right fuel for your car’s needs.
1. Auto manufacturers prescribe premium fuel because some internal combustion engines will function more optimally using higher octane fuels. If the manufacturer doesn’t recommend it for your vehicle, then your car won’t need it and you’re simply paying extra money needlessly.
2. If your car’s manufacturer does recommend premium fuel, heed that recommendation. Cars that use premium fuel tend to be ones with higher-compression engines, turbo chargers, and other higher-performance mechanical aspects. If you use regular fuel with these engines, it may rob your car of some of its performance.
3. When you’re looking for a gas station, try to find that that offers ‘Top Tier’ fuel. This is fuel that meets EPA regulations for performance and cleanliness. ‘Top Tier’ fuels typically have more detergents and other cleansing additives than standard fuels, which will help keep down the building of deposits in your car’s engine.
4. If your car is an older one, is a heavier one like an SUV or truck, or is starting to have engine knock or other signs of early engine trouble, you might consider filling up with premium fuel to see if that improves your car’s performance.
5. Pay attention to what constitutes ‘Premium’ fuel. The designation varies from state to state, and some states require higher octane numbers than others do in order to consider a fuel ‘Premium’.
At The Select Insurance agency, we’re accustomed to customers seeking answers to all of their vehicle-related questions. So whether you’re wondering what grade of fuel you should be using in your car, or you’re looking for a new auto insurance policy, our team of independent agents will be happy to assist you with whatever you need.