Is Vandalism Covered Under a Home Insurance Policy?

There are many ways in which a home can be vandalized. Graffiti can be sprayed on the garage door or rocks can be thrown through the windows. If your home has been vandalized, you may find yourself wondering is this is covered under your home insurance policy.

Vandalism is covered under standard home insurance policies. However, in order to file a claim, most insurance providers require you to file a police report for the damage done. Once a police report is filed, you can then file an insurance claim to recoup money to make repairs.

When deciding whether to file a home insurance claim for vandalism, it is important to consider your deductible. Your deductible dictates how much money you will have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in to help. Most people have deductibles that range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars up to a thousand dollars. If one or two windows were broken, and your insurance deductible is $1000, you may be better off paying for the windows yourself, as the windows may not exceed the cost of your deductible. However, if your garage door was heavily damaged and must be replaced, and you only have a $250 deductible, you are better off filing a home insurance claim rather than paying a significant amount of money for the door. Paying close attention to the deductible will help you determine if filing a claim is best for you.

Are you in the market for a new home insurance policy or do you have questions about an existing one? Then give The Select Insurance Agency, serving the greater Coppell, TX area a call today. Our knowledgeable employees can help to answer any questions you have and give you an estimate for a new home insurance policy.

Auto insurance Faux Pas

Let’s face it. Auto Insurance can be a bit like playing Chutes and Ladders. A wrong move and you slide into a hole. It’s the same with auto insurance rates. With auto insurance, a wrong move, or not being aware of some things can increase your premium.

Your insurance company uses something called ISO rating. The Insurance Services Office, or ISO, provides them with a magical algorithm that combines  actuarial, statistical, and claims information bottled up in metrics and analytics. These provide an insurance agent with the tools to know based on location and many other pieces of information what to charge. Moving for a job, renting. You might what to ask your insurance agent what towns in the area have the lowest rates. A 2 mile difference in location can make a $4-20 difference in rate per month. Added over time, that could provide a savings.

Making a claim can increase your rates. Some companies have accident forgiveness. Is it a minor claim? You might not want to claim it. Talk to your agent first. 

Many auto insurance companies follow the Insurance Services Office’s (ISO) standard of increasing a premium. ISO’s surcharge plan for an accident may boost a vehicle’s premium. And it may have an increase of 20 to 40 percent.

Another saver that is factored into ISO is how much you drive. With many people working remotely or working at home two to three days a week, you could possibly qualify for "Usage based" auto insurance. By reducing your driving not only do you save gas but you could save on your insurance was well. This program was pioneered in Texas.

The Select Insurance Agency serves Coppell, TX and is ready to help you with all your insurance needs.

Can You Insure Home and Car with the Same Company?

For a great number of people finding coverage that suits both home and auto can be difficult. Also, having multiple insurance agencies for your property might also pose a hassle. For some companies, you can add both car and home to policies within the same company. For those in the Coppell, TX area, the agents with The Select Insurance Agency can help you find the right coverage for all your insurance needs.

In many cases there are actually multi policy discounts for those that insure their homes and cars with the same agency. These companies are going to offer discounted coverage so that you can have all your policies with the same agency. The real question is, is it worth it. In some cases it certainly is. In some cases the savings that you get by insuring your home and car with the same agency are going to be large enough to make the creation of a multi policy account worth it.

In other cases, you might save a bit of hassle by having policies with the same agency, but you are not really saving all that much money. In some cases, it might be more beneficial to have policies with different agencies when it comes to the overall amount of money that you are going to save. The real trick is to determine which is the better course of action. This is where having an agent comes in handy. Agents can help you to find the best deal across the board so that you can save the most money possible while not sacrificing your coverage in any way.

For those in the Coppell, TX area, the agents with The Select Insurance Agency can find you the best deal so that you can save the most money possible.  

Reasons to Change to Our Insurance Company

Insurance companies all serve the same purpose, but they are far from identical to one another. This is the case in terms of coverage and in regards to customer service. At The Select Insurance Agency, this is especially the case. 

1. Knowledgeable Agents 

Far too often, agents only recite what they’re told to say via a scripted conversation. However, agents at this Coppell, TX agency are knowledgeable about insurance in general in addition to the company they represent. These agents explain in terms that are understandable to the average person, not just insurance and legal experts. The agents ensure the client’s understanding, so there aren’t any discrepancies.

2. Comprehensive Coverage 

If a person doesn’t read the fine print in a policy, they could find themselves in a predicament where they have less coverage than they thought, which could harm them in the event of an accident. On the other hand, the current policy the person has could cost more and cover more than what’s necessary. At The Select Insurance Agency, policies are designed to meet the needs of real people, not to meet the agenda of the insurance company. With options that are feasible, consumers can save money and have a policy that caters to their needs. 

3. Easy to Consult With

It’s not uncommon to call a company that treats customers like they’re not important. This agency treats customers the way they deserve to be treated–with respect. This Coppell, TX company puts customers first and guarantees fair treatment. Agents are friendly and take the time with each client.

To get a quote or learn firsthand about The Select Insurance Agency, contact them at 972-315-7299.

Top 3 Tips For Preventing Road Rage

Road rage strikes even the best drivers, leaving them furious, reckless, and prone to accidents. If you struggle with blinding rage whenever you get stuck at a light or when another driver cuts you off, it is imperative that you take immediate steps to prevent anger behind the wheel. The following tips and tricks will help you be a calmer, more responsible driver, even in difficult circumstances:

1. Leave Plenty of Time to Reach Your Destination

Road rage often occurs in response to tight deadlines. When you’re in a hurry, every extra second is a huge source of aggravation.

 The more time you leave yourself to reach your intended destination, the less angry you’ll become when you hit traffic or get stuck behind a slow driver. If you use Google Maps or some other smartphone app, always assume your drive will take at least ten minutes longer than what the app claims.

2. Find Alternate Routes

Does a slow area on your route make you feel incredibly annoyed? Have you observed a pattern of bad drivers on a particular road? Develop an alternate route that bypasses problem areas. This may force you to spend a few more minutes behind the wheel, but that much-needed sense of relief will make the longer drive worthwhile.

3. Maintain a Calm Driving Environment

Loud or angry music will not help matters if you’re already prone to anger behind the wheel. Instead, select cheerful music or a book on tape. You can also promote calm by maintaining a clean cabin with minimal clutter. 

By reducing road rage, you can prevent costly accidents. You can also keep expenses down by working with The Select Insurance Agency, serving Coppell, TX. Reach out today to learn more.

5 Things You Should Know About Coppell Home Insurance

Home insurance is an excellent way for you to fight off the uncertainties of life, and while it can’t stop the bad things from happening, it can make them much easier to deal with. Here are 5 things to know about home insurance if you live in Coppell, TX from The Select Insurance Agency. 

1. The Policy Is Up to You 

When you can pick and choose what goes in your policy and what doesn’t, you give yourself a chance to understand more about what’s covered. This allows you to plan for the future in terms of both timing and finances. 

2. It’s There When You Need It Most 

When you have the right coverage, you get support when you’re most in need. The best policies can save you from having to rely on outside charity and can get you back in your home as soon as possible. 

3. It’s Made for All of Coppell, TX

Few people would want to live in Coppell if no one took pride in the homes. Home insurance is a way to put maintenance a priority, and keep home values where everyone wants them.  

4. It Saves Your Hard Work 

When you take the time to save for a house, you have to take the time to protect that investment. Bankruptcy is often the only option for people who experience catastrophic events and can’t pay for the repairs. 

5. The Right Partner Can Help 

Having the right partner can be the best thing you do. The Select Insurance Agency has a staff that is ready to take your call and answer your questions about how your policy will work. Call us today to see how we make it easier to keep your home safe. 

A Look at Collision and Comprehensive Coverage

Unlike liability coverage, comprehensive and collision auto insurance are not required by law. The protection they offer, however, is worth considering, particularly if you own a vehicle of considerable value. Understanding how these two types of coverage work will enable you to make a wise decision concerning this protection. At the Select Insurance Agency, Coppell, TX, we can answer any questions you may have about this coverage to fulfill your insurance needs.  

Collision Insurance

Collision insurance is pretty straightforward: it covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle if you collide with other vehicles or stationary objects (a tree, telephone pole, etc.) If you are at fault for the accident, you can claim collision coverage for damage to your vehicle. If another driver were at fault, his or her liability insurance would cover your vehicle repairs.

Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive insurance kicks in where collision coverage leaves off. It covers your vehicle repairs or replacement due to damage caused by:  

  • Theft
  • Flood
  • Fire
  • Natural disasters
  • Explosions
  • Falling objects
  • Animal contact or
  • Civil disturbances

Comprehensive and collision coverage are optional, and you can choose one or the other to suit your needs.    


Many drivers shy away from the collision and comprehensive coverage due to their cost. Coverage prices vary, however, depending on the value of your vehicle, where you live and your driving record. New car owners would do well to retain this coverage to protect their investment. If you own an older vehicle and have the financial means to cover repair costs in the event of an accident, forgoing this coverage would reduce your insurance premium.   

If you’re interested in adding one or both of these insurance options to your policy, contact us at The Select Insurance Agency in Coppell, TX. We can help you find coverage options within your financial means. 

A Simple Task of Changing the Air Filter

Home heating, air ventilation, and conditioning systems, or HVACs in Coppell, TX modern homes are extremely sensitive these days. Tuned to detect the slightest fluctuations towards a problem, and controlled by computerized motherboards, modern HVAC systems will automatically shut down in safety mode if they sense themselves overworking. And the one area that consistently causes a safety override to kick in is a dirty air filter.

Much like an oil and air filter change on a car, the air filter for an HVAC system is cheap and generally easy to replace, according to the Select Insurance Agency. In fact, a smart homeowner replaces the filter in his home monthly, getting a new one with the right sizing at a local hardware store for a few dollars. The difference and benefits are multiple. First off, a new filter catches grit better and ensures better breathing in the home, which is a big issue for those with allergies and sensitivity to dust, spores or pollen. Secondly, a clean filter lets the HVAC system run smoother with less pressure than trying force air through dirty filter layer. And that means less dollars spent on energy costs as well as a better performing system when it matters on cold or very hot days outside.

To find out more tips on how to easily maintain your Coppell, TX home and keep its environmental systems running right, give the Select Insurance Agency a call or email. Their agents can easily provide great information on home maintenance that avoids costly problems later on as well as troublesome claims. Why learn about problems the hard way? Prevention is key in saving time, energy and your money.

How to Identify Home Foundation Problems

If you own a home in the Coppell, TX area, you want to keep an eye on small foundation concerns that could lead to big headaches.  There are early warning signs that indicate foundation problems and the sooner you catch them, the easier and less expensive they can be to correct.  Houses will settle over time and create some unevenness, but this is not a cause for panic.  Watch for the warning signs and take these steps to check on your foundation periodically.

4 Indoor Warning Signs

  • Any door in the home that begins to jam or fail to latch
  • New cracks develop in walls, particularly where the wall meets the ceiling or the space above windows or doors
  • Concrete floors covered by vinyl or ceramic tile begin to crack open
  • Easy to open and close windows starts to stick or won’t completely close

Easy Regular Foundation Checks

Check the outside of the home to see if the foundation is straight by looking at the length of the foundation wall from each corner.  If there is a curve or bulge in the foundation, it could mean the foundation has shifted.  If the home has a concrete perimeter foundation and you see flaking or chipping, check it by poking it with a sturdy screwdriver.  It should be hard enough that you can’t damage it.  If you can, the concrete could be deteriorating.  Check for puddles or rotting wood in the basement or crawl space.

The Select Insurance Agency

At the Select Insurance Agency in the Coppell, TX area, we care about helping you protect your home investment.  A homeowner’s policy may not help to cover foundation issues, but we can help you sort through policy options that can provide coverage for all kinds of situations.

3 ways to save money on your home insurance policy

Homeowners insurance is a necessity in Coppell, TX, not only for emergency situations, such as a natural disaster, but for your own peace of mind as well. Since saving money during these tough financial times is important, here are 3 of the best ways to save money on your homeowner insurance through The Select Insurance Agency.

Improve Your Homes Safety Status

It is essential that you know your family is safe and improving the status of your home safety may also help you to save money on the cost of your homeowners insurance policy. Installing safety devices, such as fire alarms and smoke detectors is essential, but you should also consider installing security devices such as dead bolt locks, burglar alarms and/or motion detectors to help save on your premium.

Consolidate Insurance Policies

Bringing all of your insurance policies together into a single package may help to significantly reduce your policy costs. In most situations you can combine auto and home as well as other policies. An added benefit to combining your policies with one agency is that you only have one company to deal with and you may be able to have all policy payments due at the same time, which saves you both time and money.

Increase the Deductible

The deductible is the amount of money you must pay out-of-pocket and up front, before your insurer will pay the claim. Increasing the cost of your deductible can help to save a substantial amount on the cost of your policy. However, it is important to only consider a deductible amount that you are know you can afford and that you are comfortable paying out-of-pocket in the case of an emergency.

Residents of Coppell, TX who are interested in reviewing their current insurance policies, updating a policy or learning more about discounts you may qualify for on a homeowners insurance policy should contact The Select Insurance Agency.