When Is An Umbrella Insurance Policy A Good Option?

There are many kinds of insurance policies available for purchase. They are not all perfect for everyone and most of the time, people know when they need a plan. For example, when someone buys a home, they already know that homeowners insurance is an option. Unfortunately, not all insurance policies are as easy to understand. One of these is the umbrella insurance policies. If you are unsure whether you need one or not, continue reading to find out when it is a good idea to purchase.

  • Umbrella insurance policies are great ideas when your current policies do not provide enough coverage. Something many people do not know is that all insurance policies have maximum coverage limits. If you have a home or vehicle of high value, you should check your current policies to see if they cover everything you need. If not, an umbrella insurance policy is a good supplement to take over where your other policies stop.
  • It is a good idea to get an umbrella insurance policy when you are in the public eye in some way. In today’s world, there are constantly people looking for a quick payday. If you happen to be in the public eye in your community or if you are a business owner, you will want an umbrella insurance policy so you can protect yourself from lawsuits. You do not want to get sued and then not have the insurance to pay for the bill. Umbrella insurance can provide you with this coverage to better protect yourself no matter what.

If you are interested in learning more about umbrella insurance, contact The Select Insurance Agency serving Coppell, TX. You can get a quote for a policy and discover if you really need one.


8 Smart RV Essentials for Happy Trails

Ready to take your RV out for an adventure? Make sure you are prepared for the unexpected by bringing with you these essential tools and supplies. 

Tools and Repairs

  • Water Pressure Regulator: Not every RV campsite has normalized water pressure, sometimes the pressure is very high. Unchecked, this can damage your RV’s water system and create leaks or water hose explosions that may result in significant water damage and leave you with an exorbitant water bill. 
  • Extra hoses and electric cord: Some campsites are not ideally situated for faucet and power access. Bring along two 25’ 30-amp electric cords, three 25’ drinking water hoses and you should be ready for any set-up. 
  • Repair Kit: Depending on your level of fix-it knowledge, you’ll want to keep on hand the tools and materials essential to repairing small issues that arise in your RV. This can include WD-40, JB Weld, duct tape, safety wire, roof repair tape and roof sealer, volt-ohm meter, spare fuses, soldering gun, electrical connectors, and similar supplies.


  • 12-Volt Battery Charger: Things happen. If you kill your chassis battery, this will be a lifesaver. You can also acquire jump starter chargers that include USB charging ports for keeping your electronics alive.
  • Battery-Free Flashlight: Whether you shake it, crank it, or squeeze it to get it going, have at least one portable light source that doesn’t require batteries to operate.


  • GPS: Don’t rely on your phone’s included navigator, it will be sketchy once you get outside of data coverage range (which RV’ers frequently do).
  • Weather Radio: Always tuned to the right station, with regular weather alerts to keep you safe. RVs are not well equipped for handling nasty weather, so it’s best to avoid it entirely when possible.
  • RV Insurance Paperwork:  Make sure you have the coverage you need to protect the investment you’ve made in your RV. Keep insurance paperwork accessible so you can contact your agent quickly in an emergency. Before you leave, contact The Select Insurance Agency to discuss your coverage details to make sure you have the best possible insurance to meet your needs. 

Know How To Get The Best Auto Policy At The Best Rate in Coppell

Over the last two years, auto insurance costs have risen on average about 10 percent, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). Why?

  • A better job market: More people working means more people driving—and that means more accidents. Indeed, motor vehicle crash fatalities rose 8 percent from 2014 to 2015 according to the National Safety Council, the largest year-over-year percent increase in 50 years.
  • Higher speed limits: Since 2012, 12 states have raised their speed limits to 70 or 80 mph—and as high as 85 mph in the case of Texas. In just one of those states, Ohio, a study found that crashes jumped by 19 percent in the two years following the change.
  • More expensive claims and insurance related costs: Quite simply, people are driving more expensive cars. In addition, medical costs, litigation costs and the cost of auto repair work continue to rise faster than prices overall.

Your insurance premium is based on a variety of factors, including your driving record; how much you use your car; where it is parked and where you live; the type of car you drive; your age and gender; your credit score; and the type and amount of coverage. Understanding these factors can help you get a better deal on your policy.

The I.I.I. offers these tips for finding the best auto insurance policy for your needs and budget:

  1. Shop Around

Prices and coverage levels vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. But don’t shop price alone; look for a financially sound insurance company with a reputation for good customer service.

  1. Check Insurance CostsBeforeBuying A Car

The price of the vehicle, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the likelihood of theft can all affect the price of your coverage, so check with your insurance professional before deciding which car to buy.

  1. Increase Your Deductible

When you file a claim, the deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance kicks in. With a higher deductible, you can lower your premium significantly–but be sure you have enough money set aside to pay it if you have a claim.

  1. Reduce Coverage On Older Cars

If the market value of your car is less than 10 times the auto insurance premium you are paying, purchasing comprehensive and/or collision coverage may not be cost-effective.

  1. Maintain Good Credit

Many insurers use credit information to price auto insurance policies, so a solid credit history can lower your premium.

  1. Ask About Discounts

Insurance companies offer a wide variety of discounts—here are some you can ask about:

  • Antitheft devices
  • Multiple policies with the same company
  • College students living away from home
  • Defensive driving courses
  • Drivers ed courses
  • Low annual mileage
  • Long-time customer
  • More than one car
  • No accidents in three years
  • No moving violations in three years
  • Student drivers with good grades


The Basics of Boat Insurance, How Much Coverage is Needed?

When it comes to any type of vehicle, even watercraft, it is necessary to have some form of insurance coverage in place for a few different reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that in the event of an accident or damage to your boat you do not want to be responsible for paying all the repair costs and getting your boat seaworthy again.

Unlike car insurance that you might get from an auto insurance company, boat insurance mainly covers the cost of repair of the boat in the event of any damage. It does not necessarily cover the medical bills of you or anyone else that is injured in an accident. If you are located in Coppell, TX the helpful agents at The Select Insurance Agency can help you determine what level of coverage you need to keep your boat safe.

In most cases, boat insurance is simply in place to help you protect your investment. Just like cars that have a loan out on them are required to have full coverage, your lender is likely to require full coverage of your watercraft if you still have a loan out on it for a few reasons. First and foremost they want to be able to recover their investment in the case of an accident or in the case of damage to the boat.

Your insurance coverage will help cover repair costs and will help make sure you have the ability to repair and get your boat back on the water in the event of damage. Some policies may also cover damage caused by other people like intentional damage or defacement and destruction by others. You can always ask your agent what your policy covers and what is right for you.  

Help Prevent Damage to your Coppell Home from Fallen Tree Branches

We’ve had a lot of wind lately, here in Coppell, and all over the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. These winds have caused many tree branches to fall. Help prevent a branch from falling on your roof or car by checking the trees in your yard and neighboring yards. If you have branches hanging over your roof, car, fence or other property, trim them back or have a service come out to trim all overhanging branches. This will save you the frustration of damage to your property.

Protect Yourself Against Mosquito Borne Illnesses in Coppell

Take every precaution to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes if at all possible.

Remember the 4 D’s: Defend, Dress, Dusk & Dawn, and Drain.

  • Defend yourself by applying insect repellant that contains DEET, Picaridin, Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus* or PMD. Use repellant all day, every day.
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants.
  • Stay indoors at dusk and dawn.
  • Drain all stagnant water in your yard.
  • Additionally, you should protect your home by using screens to keep mosquitoes outside. Use the air conditioning when possible.

Texas climate is always unpredictable and temperatures vary throughout the seasons.  As a result, mosquito season in Coppell, Texas is year-round.  The Environmental Health Department’s goal is to begin reducing mosquito populations as early in the season as possible. By eliminating containers, cleaning rain gutters, and maintaining swimming and ornamental pools you can stop the mosquito life cycle in its tracks.

You Can Get Great RV Insurance in Coppell, TX

There’s a lot to love about Coppell, TX, and one of those things is the opportunity to get great RV insurance. Many people who travel fulltime in their RVs call Texas home. Even if you only use your RV on a part-time basis, though, you’ll want to have good insurance on it. Whether it’s on the road or parked in your driveway, it should be covered so you don’t have to worry about financial losses if something should happen to it. You also want to make sure the insurance policy provides for adequate medical treatment if you or someone else is injured in an accident with your RV.

The state has minimum insurance requirements, but those might not be enough for your needs. Instead, you may want to consider a higher level of coverage and other kinds of coverage such as comprehensive and collision. Only you can decide if you want insurance beyond state requirements, and working with a knowledgeable insurance agent can help you make that decision. The more you know about the levels of coverage available to you and the costs for those coverage options, the better decision you can make for your finances and liability protection.

When your Coppell, TX RV insurance comes from The Select Insurance Agency, you know you’re getting insurance you can feel good about. It’s easy to get a quote, and you can find out the prices from several different companies all in one place. Then you can choose not only good insurance, but a fair price for a policy that’s going to be a good choice for you. Anytime you have questions about your policy or you need to make changes, you’ll also have someone you trust to work with, helping you keep the right insurance coverage on your RV no matter where you travel.


4 essentials you need on your boat this summer

Summer time is almost here, and that means it’s time to start preparing the family boat for the season.  In addition to preparing the boat and ensuring there are enough snacks for everyone, though, it’s important to take the time to make sure you have a few essentials to keep everyone safe.

  1. Life jackets.  In Texas, you’re required to carry a life vest on your boat for every passenger.  In addition to making sure that all of your life vests are in good condition, it’s also important to make sure you have the proper size for everyone on your boat.  If you have small children who grew over the winter, check their size.
  2. First aid kit.  A small box with some bandages and other supplies to deal with minor injuries is an essential part of being on a boat.  Your kit doesn’t have to contain a lot of fancy equipment, but you need to carry enough supplies to treat minor injuries and help with more serious ones until you reach land.
  3. Water.  While you’ll probably remember to bring drink s on the boat with you every time you go out, you should keep an emergency supply of water in a separate location on your boat.  That way if your cooler goes overboard, you’ll still have something clean to drink. 
  4. Rope.  It may seem silly to carry this if your don’t have a sail, but rope can be used for a lot of things in the event that your boat becomes stranded or simply needs to be repaired long enough to get it into dock.

If you’re thinking about buying a boat insurance policy, then call the insurance agents at The Select Insurance Agency.  Residents of Coppell, TX have used this agency for years for their boat insurance needs.

How To Figure Out How Much Life Insurance You Need

Many people end up purchasing too much or too little life insurance. This is definitely not something that you want to do. Instead of guessing on the amount of life insurance that you need, figure out just how much you need and make sure you get the right amount. Use these questions to get started so you can get the right amount of life insurance for your needs. 

  • Do you have any debt? If you have any outstanding debt, such as a mortgage, car payment, student loans, credit card debt, or any other type of debt, you may still be required to pay it off after death. That means that your debt would be inherited by someone in your family. Instead of letting them take on that burden, make sure you have enough life insurance to take care of all of your debts. 
  • Do you take care of any family members financially? If you are financially responsible for someone like a child, parent, or spouse, then they may find financial trouble if you are no longer around. Make sure you have enough to take care of them after you go, at least enough for them to have time to get back on their feet. 
  • Do you have enough money set aside for funeral arrangements? These things can be very costly no matter your preferences. If you have not saved up for this, then you may want to consider adding this amount to your life insurance policy so your family does not have to pay for it out of pocket. 

If you still are unsure about how much life insurance you need to purchase or would like to move forward with getting a policy, contact us today at The Select Insurance Agency. We can find you the perfect policy for your needs as well as one that fits your budget.